CMD Breeders - 2025 Active

~ Click on the highlighted farm letters to go to that breeder’s site. ~
This is a new area, check back as breeders from your state add their sites.

BLH - Bella Luna Homestead ——————-Michelle Hayes, Vernon, AZ
LFGS - Little Fox Goats and Soaps ———————— Connie Fox, San Tan Valley, AZ
BSK - Big Sky ————————————— Tim and Jonnae Shetter, Chino Valley

2RF - 2R Farmstead ——————Niwaz Rashedd, Colorado Springs
BOS - Bossy Boots Ranch —————Susan and Shawn Roberts, Elizabeth, CO
BUAF - Bumbling Acres Farm —————Telsche Jaderlund, Parker, CO
CNK - Crack O’ Noon ————-—- Wendy Francisco, Mancos, CO
FAFO - Fur and Feathers Only ————— Christine Haire, Del Norte, CO
FGR - Frisky Goat Ranch —————— Cassie Wilkinson, Morrison, CO
HDH - Haagen-Dog Haus ————— Elise and Stephen Haagenson, Littleton, CO
KBR - KB Ranch ———— Carissa Plumery, Castle Rock, CO
LH3 - Hilton Hobby Homestead ————- Mickey and Malanie Hilton II, Keenesburg, CO
LPR - Lonely Pond Ranch —————— Jamie and Scott Addison, Jefferson, CO
LSK - Laskowski Homestead ————-- Shaela and Jared Laskowski, Peyton, CO
MAR - Mini Acres Ranch ——-—— Carrie Mast, Calhan CO
MAYS - Mays Family Farm ————-John And Sandy Mays, Johnstown, CO
MBK Mountain Breeze Kennels —————Regina Curley
MMC - Milky Way Mountain Caprines ———— Heather D’Alessio, Alamosa, CO
MRF - Moss Rock Farm ———————Justine Hensler, Elbert, CO
MWP - Mist Wood Pastures ————————- Elizabeth Rivas, Delta, CO
OUM - Once Upon a Moose ———————Vanessa Woodson, Cotopaxi, CO.
PEAF - Pearson’s Farm, LLC ——————————— April and Jeff Pearson, Calhan, CO
RRD - Regulator Ranch Durango ——Breanna & Jeremiah Johnson, Durango, CO
SCH - Stormy Creek Homestead ————— Shaun and Colleen Prior, Floissant, CO
STHH - Stormy Heights Homestead —- Antoinette Harms,
SXR - Salix Ranch ——————- Sherry Sanzone and Chris Bendon, Carbondale, CO
T23 - Tierhaus 23 ——————————- Dr. Travis and Lindsey Hassel, Elbert, CO
TCF - Tracoken Farmstead —-—————— Corbie Kortz
TOF - Timbers of Fennario ———- Shawna Davies, Evergreen, CO
VHM - Valhalla Highlands ——————— Mendez Family, Ramah, CO

ROAR - Roaring Acres Alpacas
————————- Alison Mnich, Suffield, CN

WHHS - Wholehearted Homestead
————————- Jason and Shannon Welton, Olpe, KS

HTM - Holy Trinity Monastery ———- Fr. Nick Garber, Smith’s Creek, MI
LWA - Little Way Acres ——————- Katrina and Matthew Curtis, Hudsonville, MI

OHS - Ohana Homestead —————————- Jenny and Stephen Doney, Saint Robert, MO
PCF - Painted Canvas Farms —————————- Kristin Robertson, Lamar, MO
RPG - Rock Pillar Grounds ——————————— Katrina Edie, Neoshow, MO

TMF - Tobey Markes Farm —————- Teresa Tobey, Enid, OK

MGF - Mercy Gates Farm
——————————-Caren and Justin Gates, Aumsvilles, OR

FCF - Frogtown Cedars Farm
————————————— JoAnna Snyder, Ottsville, PA

South Carolina
WWH - Wildwood Homestead
——————————Abbe Richardson, Saint Matthews, SC

HHF - Haven Hills Farms ——————————Daniel and Katrina Kiedis, Shelbyville, TN
HHTN - Hillbilly Homestead —————————- Shelley Dedmon, Strawberry Plains
HIS - All For His Glory Farm ———————————Shelly Dormon, Tullahoma, TN

BMF - Broad Meadow Farm ————————- Laura Walker, Cumberland, WI

ABF - Abundairy Farm ——————— Anne Larson (CMDR Registrar), Carpenter, WY

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