The Beauty of Colorado Mountain Dogs
Colorado Mountain Dogs On The Farm
Colorado Mountain Dogs On The Trail
Not all CMDs work on farms. In Colorado many families go up into the Rockies to camp, fish, and hike. CMDs guard their people on these expeditions.
Klondike out hiking with Katie and Bobby Resch.
Colorado Mountain Dogs At Home
Colorado Mountain Dogs At Home
Because of their mellow temperaments, some CMDs make the best house dogs ever. Consult the breeder, and ask for a mellow pup, from mellow parents. Colorado Mountain Dogs, like many LGD breeds, are bred to lie quietly among their charges, and to fit in. Often, if they don't have a flock of sheep, they will accept a flock of kids, or even a flock of cats. This makes for a great house dog. But, a CMD left alone in a suburban back yard might make it look like a missile testing site in a day. They might eat 2x6s to get out, dig, climb, jump, and probably irritate the neighbors by barking at cats. CMDs need to be with their people, and to be taken out into areas where they can run.
Klondike's dad Bobby Recsh isn't feeling well. What is a guardian puppy to do?