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Using The CMDR Pedigree Database

At the heart of a dog breed is the database. It IS the breed. Every dog born into this breed should be in the database.


When dogs or pups are registered, the reg number and the name of the dog always begins with the farm letters of the birthplace of the dog. If a farm buys a dog, then they may enter their farm letters as a suffix. In this way, you only need to search your farm letters, to pull up and review all your dogs -- the ones you raise and the ones you buy.

For instance, my farm is Crack O’ Noon, and my letters are CNK. So a pup born here is “CNK Quenya”. If Legacy Ridge Farm bought Quenya, then she would be “CNK Quenya of LGF”.

CMDR Farms have an annual $25 a year Farm Fee, and with this comes the ability to register a farm and choose farm letters. Each breeder will need to be set up in the database by the registrar, and our DB site provide you with your own breeder page which you can customize! It lists all your dogs that you own, and have bred.

All litters born on CMDR registered farms must be entered into the database, as litters. It is recommended that individual pups be registered into the main database by their breeders. This tracks the pup for life. When clients buy a pup, the CMDR will update their pups permanent names and owner info free of charge.

We are, as registries go, really cheap. It is currently $15 to register a litter or a pup. You may add the cost for this onto the pup, to cover the litter, and to provide that service to clients.

Our payment page for the annual farm fee, and for all registrations and edits is at www.coloradomuntaindogregistry.com

Most people don’t understand the need for those who participate in a breed, to support that breed by staying on top of paperwork. Otherwise, a person selling pups is really depending on others to maintain the breed which enables everyone to sell pups. By registering your pups, you support the infrastructure that tracks your genetics and makes you able to declare a breed.

People can email the registrar for support. If you want to register a litter, and or every individual pup from the litter, we can open the database with you on the phone and get your litter in easily. You can also call or email the registrar to do other database edits, like name changes and error corrections.

Own a pet? Support your breed! Register anyway! At this time we do not issue hard copy registrations but our database produces beautiful printable pedigrees.

Our database defines us. It is also a place where you can always search your own dogs, or the entire pedigree database for info, so breeders will want their farm letters well supported in the database.